by Evija Mehra
November 7th, 2020
Every month I go through the “obligatory” ups and downs gladly given to me by the mighty substances called hormones. Some days I am falling into a bottomless pit and nothing seems to be able to drag me out of it. Some days I am on top of the world, over-confident and super clear in my head on my goals and my life’s purpose.
Much of this can be attributed to the fact that we women are cyclical beings. We live with the moon and are a portal to introduce new life to the world. And we should honor that.
In the masculine-energy-dominated world of “go-go-go”, we are often left ashamed of our periods. What if, instead of “oh it’s that time of the month” stigma, we could embrace the cycle as a magical wheel of life. Something that makes our lives more exciting and ever-changing. Kind of like seasons - winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Here are the four magical stages of our cycles and how to embrace them to the fullest:
Week 1 - the new moon (INNER WINTER)
In the dark moon, there is no sunlight reflecting back on the earth. This is the week we are “detoxing” and cleansing our body. It is the period week. We all know how we feel during this week, so let’s embrace it, take it for what it is, and give our body what it needs. Cuddling up with a nice cup of tea, blankets, and a movie and clearing out your social calendar is a great way to embrace this. Organizing and tidying also fall into this “detox” category. As well as giving extra nourishment to your body in form of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Week 2 - the waxing moon (INNER SPRING)
The Moon is slowly growing in size and the Earth is getting more and more light reflected back on it. This is the time to set intentions, plan and think about what you want to achieve and do next.
Journalling, mood boarding, and list-making are good activities for this week as the body builds back up to produce the next possible “magical creature” for this planet - “the next egg”.
Week 3 - Full Moon PARTY! (INNER SUMMER)
It’s a full moon - the full moon parties are in full swing, celebrating life in its many beautiful forms. This is the week of ovulation. The energy is high. You are feeling the sexiest and most confident now, and you truly are. It is easy for you to convince people and get your agenda through.
This is the time to act upon your intentions and to manifest. Imagine if you have this information and can use it to maximize your potential! Have fun!!!
Sometimes your cycle might shift and, ideally, your ovulation - “the round egg” - matches with the shape of the full moon - the perfect circle. If that happens, celebrate it, as you are completely “in sync”. If you are on a different cycle, don’t worry, just think about the possibility of living more in sync with the moon.
Week 4 - weaning moon (INNER FALL)
This is the final, most confusing, and mystical week of the cycle. The moon is waxing and we turn internally. This is a time for reflection and inwards focus. It is the time to acknowledge what we have done and how it makes us feel. Sometimes we feel rage, frustration and think “oh, this is not me, it is just PMS”.
But what if I told you that it is the REAL you, that it is coming out this week. The real, raw, powerful feminine - unconsciously mourning the unfertilized egg and its “failed mission”. If you feel like “going back to college”, or “dropping everything and running off to Amazon to discover new species and be a world-famous explorer” (like I do), think about it as your real calling. A calling that is blocked all other 3 weeks of your cycle and is coming out stronger now.
Pay attention to your desires and emotions. Write them down. And then you can start acting upon them as a new, magical, and amazing cycle begins!💋
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